Sunday, March 20, 2011
Happy Persian New Year! =)

Happy Norooz everyone! =) Tomorrow night is the beginning of year 2570 [1390] of the Persian solar calendar. Winter is officially over, and Monday is the first day of spring, even though Zürich was freezing cold today. =P So make sure to have as much sweets and cookies as you can in the next few days, visit your friends and family and pass around some gifts. ;)

My 7sin is pretty much ready, even though some of the items are impossible to get around here due to the lack of a Persian community of any sort. My mom sent me most of what I couldn't find here from Toronto. But I wasn't able to get my hands on Samanoo at the end so we're going to make some chocolate cream and imagine it's Samanoo. =P

I have to admit though, I have all sorts of mixed feelings right now. The "situation" in Iran has made it very difficult for many people over there to celebrate anything, and I feel the weight of that inside of me.... and of course my mom's not where I am this year, which really totally sucks. But I'm trying to make the best out of a ... well... very complicated situation, and hope for the best in 2570.

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Ahoo "Aasemoon" Pirsoleimani, 1998-2014