
Some good news: Bookmark www.asd.gr , the brand new ASD website. Although it's still under-construction, but the weblog is already up and running: http://asd.gr/WordPress . :)
Also, I just heard some guys saying that they didn't get the chance to vote for the ASD demo in the Intel competition. Well guess what, you STILL HAVE TIME, and as far as I know you can vote till the end of this month. So go ahead people, VOTE, NOW! =DLabels: ASD, Demoscene
This weblog is a
collection of my random thoughts. It's as simple as that. What I write here
is for my friends, or anyone else who might find it worth reading. This is
not a tech blog, a science blog, a lyrics blog or...although you might find
either one of those topics in here "randomly". I appreciate comments very much, so
if you have any thoughts about something that you read here please drop me a
line and let me know. So...after all this, welcome to my weblog, thanks for
visiting and enjoy your stay! =) |
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