Saturday, December 23, 2006
Weeeehaaaaa! =)

Merry Christmas and happy holidays everyone! =)
Well, for me, the holidays this year are going to be pretty pretty special. I'm about to have a very very special guest, and.. well.. that's all I can say for now! =P Hope that you'll all have a whole load of fun as well! =D

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Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Must Read!

About an hour ago I came across this article titled "Beliefs that bother me", in Optimus's blog. I have to say, it's been a while since I enjoyed reading a blog post this much. There's loads of truth in this article, the kind that most people tend to simply ignore. I'm not gonna say more.. just check the article for yourself, and pay the whole 100% of your attention while reading it.

By the way, since this is about an article in another blog, I'm closing comments. You can leave your comments in the original blog.

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Saturday, December 09, 2006
My Glasses! =P

Ok hmm... this is gonna be a bit of a ridiculous post, but it seems necessary, since I keep getting asked the same question over and over again. So here's the answer:
The pair of glasses that I wear every now and then, are not exactly medical glasses. Yeah I'm talking about the blue frames. The glasses have got AR Coat, so to some limited extent they help prevent the eyes from getting exceedingly tired, while staring at the monitor for long hours. Of course the even more important reason for wearing them, is simply the fact that I like glasses. Ok? =PPPP
I hope it's all clear now! =))

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Ahoo "Aasemoon" Pirsoleimani, 1998-2014