Friday, September 02, 2011
Demodays 2011 + Burnside Odyssey by Satori
Last weekend Demodays 2011 [aka Buenzli 20] took place in Olten Switzerland, and I was finally, luckily able to attend it. It was an awesome party, and even more awesome was meeting some of the people I had only known by nicknames till then, in person. I also had a chance to meet with the founder of one of my top 2 favourite demogroups, Satori. The weather was quite lovely, the BBQ was great and all in all it was quite a load of fun. I only wish I had taken more photos. But the few that I did take, you can find here.
There was also a good number nice productions this year. The OHP demo compo was as always very cute. In the "interactive" category, someone had come up with a type-writer, auto typing one liners from various scene websites for the duration of the party. In the PC demo category there was a lovely new demo from Satori, and interestingly enough Calodox had a prod after pretty much forever.
The Satori demo, named "Burnside Odyssey" is definitely one of the most awesome demos I've ever seen. It really is a work of wonder, with breath taking visuals and lovely music. Some of those colours and patterns really send me tripping. Seeing that demo on the big screen was quite fantastic. Even though unfortunately due to hardware efficiency issues the demo was running at a pretty much slow motion rate, it still was a marvel to look upon. Below you can see a video of it, but it's best if you check out the exe here.
The one thing that I find somewhat less than fortunate, to be completely honest, is the result of the demo compo. I'm sorry to be saying this, but I find the winning demo completely and utterly dull. To me it looked like a poor remix of scenes from a few previous demos of the same group, dyed with a rather awful layer of gray on top. There were at least 2 demos in the compo that would have deserved the spot quite a bit more... but anyway, it looks to me like the events that followed have caused a bit of a drama... check for yourself here.
Labels: Art, Coding, Demoscene, Digital Art, Satori, Switzerland, Technology