So, for a million and one reasons I just created my own URI Shortener. Since we had this discussion with a couple of friends before... well this is for you, it's open so everyone can used it. ;) Labels: Aasemoon, Coding, Programming, Projects, Software, Technology, Web, Web Development, Website
Been using this for a few months now, basically every single day. Free document/photo scanner app for Android, with the ability to create PDF or image files with pretty darn high quality. Absolutely love it!
CamScanner -Phone PDF Creator
Update: Well, turns out there's not CamScanner HD for tablets specifically. Just installed it and so far it's awesome! Labels: Android, Reviews, Software, Technology
So Comic-Con 2012 was pretty cool in the way that there was more actual sci-fi and comic related exciting things to see, in comparison to the previous couple of years. I specially loved everything related to the Firefly 10 year anniversary. The panel for that was just brilliant.
One piece of news that I find myself particularly interested in is this one, about the Guardians of the Galaxy movie. Check it out!
SDCC 2012: Guardians & Ant-Man Films on the Way | News | Marvel.comLabels: Comic-Con, Comics, Entertainment, Fun
Monday, July 09, 2012
Is it just me, or is " Touch" absolutely fascinating? I came across it just recently, and I can't get enough of it!
I just hope that it doesn't get cancelled, the way most good sci-fi series are these days.
Labels: Entertainment, Sci-Fi, TV