Friday, December 23, 2016
Joss Whedon: The Biography

This is something I read last year, but recently it came up in conversation several times again and I remembered how much I enjoyed reading it.

What I really like about this biography, is that perhaps due to the topic of the book still being alive and very much involved in the writing of it, the book answers some interesting questions. It gives you an idea of what made him who he is, and where some of his absolutely brilliant ideas came from. Or for that matter what was going on in his mind when he made certain decisions. If you're a fan of Joss Whedon, I very much recommend reading this.


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Thursday, December 08, 2016
You Had One Job by Scott Brown

"You Had One Job" => Go here to listen to the podcast.

Recently a friend shared this podcast with me. The 3rd act is the reading of a story titled "You had one job", by "Scott Brown". The story is being told by a police bomb disposal robot named Miles, who ends up being ordered to blow up a criminal. It's a brilliant, thought provoking, sad, cute, melancholic story and definitely worth listening to.
This has been inspired by real life events that took place some months ago in Dallas, where an "Remotec Andros Mark V-A1 [5-A1]" was apparently for the first time used to do away with a shooter that had killed several cops.

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Ahoo "Aasemoon" Pirsoleimani, 1998-2014