Tuesday, November 28, 2006
New ASD Website!

Some good news: Bookmark www.asd.gr , the brand new ASD website. Although it's still under-construction, but the weblog is already up and running: http://asd.gr/WordPress . :)

Also, I just heard some guys saying that they didn't get the chance to vote for the ASD demo in the Intel competition. Well guess what, you STILL HAVE TIME, and as far as I know you can vote till the end of this month. So go ahead people, VOTE, NOW! =D

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Wednesday, November 15, 2006

حمید مصدق - سيب

تو به من خندیدی
و نمی دانستی
من به چه دلهره از باغچه همسایه
سیب را دزدیم
باغبان از پی من تند دوید
سیب را دست تو دید
غضب آلوده به من کرد نگاه
سیب دندان زده از دست تو افتاد به خاک
و تو رفتی و هنوز
سالهاست که در گوش من آرام آرام
خش خش گام تو تکرار کنان
می دهد آزارم
و من اندیشه کنان غرق این پندارم
که چرا
خانه کوچک ما سیب نداشت
Mossadegh's "Sib" [Apple];
Same one I memorized the last time I was feeling so deeply lost.......

[Sorry, the comments are closed for this post. Email is always there.]

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Monday, November 06, 2006
GO ASD! :)

Ok I'm in such a hurry to post this log, and I'm so bloody excited right now, that I don't even know where to being. Ummm, ok, there's a 30 second demo competition held by Intel, and 5 of the best demo-groups out there have been invited for the challenge. One of these groups is of course our beloved ASD. Voting for the demos is done through this website, so guys and gals, GO FOR IT, ASD RUUUUUUUUUUUULEZ! :)
I also have to add that I sincerely wish all the best for ASD, because their demo honestly blew my mind. AGAIN! :)

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Ahoo "Aasemoon" Pirsoleimani, 1998-2014