Sunday, May 30, 2010
ByeBye Lost!

Hmmmmmm. Nope. I'm not very happy. =/lost[1]

Lost was one of my favourite series. Aside from the fact that I'm going to miss it, I also feel that it didn't quite... well.... finish! And I think the main reasons I feel this way is because the season finale did not do such a fine job of closing the circle. It simply wasn't enough. I was expecting something much more fascinating! I get the feeling that the story got sooo big, that the producers sort of lost control of the complexity of it and as a result they just cut things off. So many unanswered questions, so much unfinished business!

Also, it seems like a lot of people aren't quite sure about what happened. For instance, there's a common confusion about whether the characters of the story were dead the entire time. Nope, they weren't! Everything that happened actually did happen... The after death "limbo" universe which was introduced in season 6, is the only part of the story line in which they're dead, as Christian Sheppard clarifies. Also, I'm as much disappointed as everyone else that they didn't bring back Michael and Walt into the story, but hey, it makes sense! I mean Walt didn't exactly spend so much time with the team for him to show up in their made up universe, and Kevin... well Kevin would not be able to "move on". He killed a couple of people, and turned into some sort of a stuck spirit on the island.

And, YES, Hurley could be in the limbo even though he wasn't dead when the series was finished. Because he would eventually die, right? And there's no real concept of time in the limbo universe. As you may have noticed he said to Ben "you were a great number 2". So it could be that they were number 1 and number 2 for thousands of years before they died and went to the limbo. But eventually, they would show up.

I guess what was most disappointing for me about the finale, was that I was hoping for a completely different  ending for the "Man in Black". I mean come to think of it, when he was alive, he was a much better person than Jacob. He was intelligent, courageous and in fact much more honest and interested in the facts than Jacob. But he was betrayed... by pretty much everyone. Can you blame him for turning into some vengeful spirit thang? Jacob was the real b****d in all of this. Unfair ending for the "Man in Black".... how reality like!

Anyhow, I think that so many questions about the nature of the island and other things remained unanswered... and as I said, I don't find limbo a very convincing ending for such an amazing story. I wonder if the series writers might do something like Joss Whedon did with Buffy... continuing the story as comic books. Well, I don't really think that's going to happen... but it would be nice to have Lost comics, eh? ;)

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Saturday, May 22, 2010
Pacman, 30th Anniversary!

Happy anniversary Pacman, and thanks for all the fun! =D I have to say, I totally love Google's interactive Pacman doodle. Way to go, very cute! =) I also like this embeddable flash Pacman.... =P

Check out the official Pacman 30th anniversary website here.

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Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Enough Dubs 2

This has to have a blog post. =) I've been listening to this album for the past couple of days more or less non-stop... and I love it. Very nice collection of "bass-driven sounds from all over the world". Totally recommended. Check it out! =)


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Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Love Story :: Oscar Nominated Russian Short Film

This, I came across last week, on the FB items of one of my favourite musicians. It's a lovely short film, with a beautiful message. I've been showing it to everyone so I decided I may as well post it here. =)

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Thursday, May 06, 2010
Virginia Tech's Humanoid Robot :: CHARLI

I just saw this on IEEE Spectrum. It's a nice one, see for yourself!

"Dennis Hong, a professor of mechanical engineering and director of Virginia Tech's Robotics & Mechanisms Laboratory, or RoMeLa, has created robots with the most unusual shapes and sizes -- from strange multi-legged robots to amoeba-like robots with no legs at all. Now he's unveiling a new robot with a more conventional shape: a full-sized humanoid robot called CHARLI, or Cognitive Humanoid Autonomous Robot with Learning Intelligence. The robot is 5-foot tall (1.52 meter), untethered and autonomous, capable of walking and gesturing. But its biggest innovation is that it does not use rotational joints."


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Ahoo "Aasemoon" Pirsoleimani, 1998-2014