Tuesday, January 31, 2006
IEEE website
The IEEE website has a new design. I don't know how long it's been there, less than a week probably, but I noticed it last night. The significance of this? Well....just that I really "disliked" the old one. It was quite disorganized, the design of each part of the website sang a different song and certain parts of it were quite ugly! Altogether I thought that for an organization of such size they could probably do better, and since this thought kept coming to my mind every time I visited that site, it was nice to see they actually did something about it. The new design is nice and well organized, so....good job to whoever took care of it! Now was that "significance" enough? Or is it that there's about 15 minutes left to my next class and I'm just incredibly bored?? And yes, I'm posting this from ENG406, on the 4th floor of Ryerson Engineering Building. :PLabels: Electronics, Engineering, Interesting, Web, Website
OH....MY...GOODNESS....Just have a look @ this! The cutest little Robot ever! Pretty natural moves too. Very impressive indeed! "We've all been waiting to finally own a True Walking Humanoid Robot, Kyosho of Japan will release MANOI, the "Ready-Made" Robot (that's right; no assembly required) for about $1600. Wait til you see him Stand on One Leg and Do the "Wing Wave".....you'll want one too!!" And yeah, I DO want one too! :P read more | digg storyLabels: Artificial Intelligence, Cute, Electronics, Engineering, Interesting, Kool, Mechanics, Robotics, Technology
Look what I just found on digg [again!] If u're an engineer, studying engineering [like me! :S], are interested in engineering, don't like engineering and don't want to have anything to do with engineers, read this....it's pretty kool! "The Engineer of 2020 Project byt the National Academy of Engineering centers on an effort to envision the future and to use that knowledge to attempt to predict the roles that engineers will play in the future. Very interesting read." read more | digg storyLabels: Books, Engineering, Interesting, Kool
Well...I already know where I stand with this! :P I mean...if I wake up to get a glass of water in the middle of the night, I check my emails too on my way to bed...Anyway, check it out: "It seems that the Japanese always have some newfangled idea that it appropriately spun to sell product. For only 2980 Yen (this mouse that'll nag you about addicted to the Internet you are. Alternatively, your boss can use this mouse to record how active you are at work on your computer." read more | digg storyLabels: BlaBla, Interesting, Web
2006 sure started the best way for me. :) In the new year eve I found my cousins that I had no contact with in my 22 yrz! And now I have a whole new part of my family to explore and a lot of kool people to get to know. It'z quite amazing. As for how it happened, well one of my cousins found my name on the web. It's pretty much like one of those classic movies [except the part about the web I guess! :P] Yeah, it's definitely my unpredictable life. I'm just so happy about it... And the new semester in Ryerson....well it'z kool so far! All my profs seem to be just great. I was so worried about the "field theory" [every ELCE student's beloved course (!!!)] and it's oh so popular killer charms...but now I feel just a bit better since I actually have an amazing [& I mean AMAZING] prof for it. Not that I'm not worreid anymore, cause believe me, I am.... :P Advanced Spanish which I'm taking for my elective has already started to get "interesting". The basic course was pretty easy but this is definitely not going to be the same. And NO, that does not mean that I'm gonna stop learning Greek and I probably will start mixing up the 2...in fact I'm already seeing signs... So....this semester is sure going to be a lot of fun.Labels: Life, Thoughts, University
Sunday, January 01, 2006
2006 is here! :D HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE, Have a great 2006! ;)Labels: Holidays, Weeee =D